Guide to Contributors

The Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health utilizes partnerships and information technology to advance invasive species, forestry and agriculture education. This is done through CISEH's Bugwood Image Database System. The four major Bugwood Image website interfaces are Forestry Images, IPM Images, and Insect Images and

Bugwood Images’ focus is on species of economic concern. Images cover invasive species, forestry, agriculture, integrated pest management, plants, insects, diseases, fungi, wildlife, fire and other natural resource issues. Images are reviewed for content and quality.

By submitting images to Bugwood Images, this allows for our database to continually grow and better educate the public of species of economic concerns around the world. The images may be requested for educational/non-commerical purposes without royalties and fees and will be automatically made available upon those requests with the condition of appropriate citation. Commerical request permissions can be set up in your photographer's profile. To know how to handle your images, see below:
